Friday, 31 March 2017

Mighty Crocus

These are my most favourite flowers.
They are tiny, they look frightfully crushable, they last such a short time BUT they are plant-heroes.
They are a heart-stopping shade of indigo blue.
They are a vanguard of colour in a grey pre-spring world.
They are the fearless first of all our gardens to resurrect after the winter.
They will push through snow to reach the sun.
They have true grit.
They give me courage.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

My life is full

My life is full.

I have chosen for it to be so. I have filled it with paid work that I enjoy, that I sought and won, which gives me pride. My life has commitments to children that I chose to raise, to a marriage that I continue to choose every day.

I choose to write, to fill my spare time with personal learning and stretching my skills.

I am valued by those I respect in my life. My life is rich and I am grateful for it.

The little jobs that keep life going? Those I take on without resentment, at least on most days.